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Free 2HR Core CE Class: Water Rights & Real Estate – Zoom

January 30 at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm MST

From Utah water history to Utah water law, rights, shares & regulations.  This class also covers useful information and details about Well Drilling, Dam Safety, Stream Alterations, Adjudication & Water Transfer.

Instructor: Stephen J Presbury- 
2HR Core CE Credit

**You will receive a confirmation email once you are registered!  You will receive a second email the day before the class with the Zoom Link!**



January 30
10:00 am - 12:00 pm MST
Class Categories:


Virtual – On Zoom
UT United States + Google Map


Currently Registered

Steve Somers Elisabeth McConkie Nisi Maile Walker Christopher Holifield Adam Jones Scottie Badger Julie Dixon
Evan Child Tony Bagley Debra Bunker Tsaiyen Chen Elianna Zuluaga Vickie Sanchez Steve Schoonover


Only 16 spots left

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