Frequently Asked Questions
CE Credits (hours) are banked by the instructor/company of the class. You will need to contact the instructor of the class to see why your hours were not banked. You should have been sent an email with the subject line "Thank you for attending our CE class!" that will have the instructors contact information. If you can not locate the email please feel free to contact us at
Certificates are not mandatory. Some instructors provide them, others don't. Certificates are basically like receipts for the class. Your CE hours are banked electronically by the instructor. To Ensure your hours are banked MAKE SURE to sign the sign-in sheet at the class.
You need 18 hours of CE credits to renew your license. 9 hours must be CORE credit.
Each class as a limited number of seats. Once the class is full we do not allow more bookings. If you would like to be put on the waiting list please contact us at & we will add you to the list. If a spot opens up we will inform you that you may have that open spot.
First try a different email address. If that doensn't work please email & let us know which class you are trying to RSVP for & we will manually add you.
Sometimes emails get lost on their way over or they go to your spam/junk folder. Try registering again. If you are already registered you will get an error message saying you are registered.
The NAR requires agents to take the Code of Ethics class once every 2 years.
Each CE class is owned by a company or an individual person. Whoever is the owner of that particular class is the one that banks the hours. Realtypath does not own any of the CE classes taught. Therefore the instructors are the ones that bank the hours.
Realtypath must comply with strict regulations set forth and enforced by the Utah Division of Real Estate. Per Division rules, all licensees must be in attendance for at least 90% of a course (54 minutes out of 60). To receive CE Credit you may miss the following amount of time: 6 minutes of a 1-hour course, 12 minutes of a 2-hour course and 18 minutes of a 3-hour+ course. These time limits apply even in the event of heavy traffic, severe weather conditions and the like. We monitor attendance from check-in, through all class breaks. Licensees who miss more than 10% of any CE course OR who fail to check in and/or check out will not be eligible to receive CE credit. Course Cancellation requires 24 hours/1 full business day notice.
DISCLAIMER: The opinions and viewpoints expressed by the instructors do not necessarily reflect those of Realtypath. All materials provided by the instructors were prepared and/or assembled by the instructors who are solely responsible for their correctness and appropriateness.
Go to the class & click the 'Already Registered?' Link. From there you can send a link to your email that will let you cancel your booking.
You can also email us at with the name of the class you wish to cancel. We will cancel for you.